The Offing

Moving image manipulated horizons


A continuation of the work Fields of View which examines specific features and layers of a landscape dataset derived from digitized 35mm slides .

Machine Learning models often stem from research predominantly focusing on facial features, analysing the imagery a perspective of portraiture. However, in this moving image work the focus is on the view through the camera lens and the eye of the photographer, capturing a continued exploration of landscape imagery derived from a dataset of digitised 35mm slides.

The Offing contines research into the relationship between algorithmic driven modes of editing film and the historic editing processes found in cameraless film making. Using a machine learning processes that analyses not only the generated outputs but also specific features of the imagery one can isolate and focus on certain compositions (a method known as network bending [1] ) such as the sky. The visuals have been transformed, explored and controlled resulting in imagery that takes you on a narrative stitched together through layers of the horizon; where land meets sea (known as The Offing)


Materials :


[1] This work uses Network Bending techniques developed by Terry Broad


J3n Sykes

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