Blink _01

Intro :

One of the first sketches you encounter when working with Arduino is turning an LED on and off

In this example there is a Functional Error in the code which successfully compiles but results in an unexpected behaviour from the LED. Try decifer where the issue arises.


Blinking LED :


    LED = D13

Reflect :

Press the 'Start Simulation' button and observe the output in this example. What is the LED doing?

In this example ...

  • Why is the simulation showing a static off or static on LED?
  • Or why might the LED be flickering?
  • How would you adapt the code blocks to get a 'blinking' output?
  • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------->

    Edit it :

    Tinker this example

    Edit the code blocks to turn the static LED into a blinking one

    Select this link to open the dashboard in a seperate tab. Then press the code button to edit the blockly or text-based code. Press start simulation to see the changes in action.


    J3n Sykes

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