Creative ML

with JenSykes

Intro :

This page provides the resources taught throughout various Creative ML workshops internationally.


Part 1 : Classification and Regression

Teachable Machines

These exemples explore classification using Google's Teachable Machine resource.

Remember to sign in then duplicate any P5JS examples in order to edit and save your changes.

Exercise 1

Try make a change to an output in your Teachable Machine template. Look for the key variables to identify your classification label. Perhaps change a shape,text, image or sound as an output.

Extra Resources:



These examples explore what is happening behind the scenes of the Teachable Machine examples.



We might not always want distinct label outputs. What if we want a more continuous output or prediction? This is where regression comes in.


Pre-trained Models:

Many ML models encountered in RunwayML utilise pre-trained models. These models already have dataset labels or keypoints we can reference in training.


Part 2 : DIY Neural Nets, physical inputs and Runway ML

DIY neural Nets:

These examples explore how to create neural nets of our own by scratch using ML5 Neural Net function

Here is a simple bare bones structure we will build from


Physical Inputs:

You can use the DIY neural net function to train any input. This is what is used with the Face API classifier from part 1.

Its really useful if we want to add Classification or Regression training capabilities to Physical Computing components. Previously this was only possible using the Wekinator application. however, now we can bring this to P5JS and the browser

Accellerometers | IMU

This example works with Adafruit BNO055 but can be adapted to any accellerrometer sensor and webUSB capable Arduino board (see notes on Github page)

Capacitive Touch

This example works with the Bare Conductive Touchboard. An adapted DataStream code needs to be uploaded onto the board first.(see Arduino code on Github page)

Try considerring what otherr inputs could be trained.


Runway ML

We will explore going beyond the Runway ML interface. How we can communicate in and out of it using P5JS, Arduino and Processing

RunwayML can communicate with Processing, P5JS and any other tool that can utilise HTTP sockets.

For the additional Processing examples please refer to the repo here on Github

Make sure you also have the latest RunwayML Processing library installed via Processing or the Gitthub here

Additional P5JS examples can be found in my editor sketchbook. Some highlights are below


External Links


Acknowledgments and References

Many of the coded examples have been adapted and expanded upon from original template resources provided by...

The original source of inspiration for accessible ML for artiists and musicians


J3n Sykes

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